Burning CD/DVD ISO image

Posted in April 14, 2010
by sawlinux


Burning CD/ DVD ISO image with Nero Express

က်ေနာ္အခုတင္ျပခ်င္တာ ISO Image file ေတြကို CD/DVD အျဖစ္ Nero နဲ႔ Burn နည္းမသိသူေတြအတြက္
ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ က်ေနာ္လဲ အရင္ကဆို စမ္းတ၀ါးပါပဲ ဖတ္ရင္လိုက္ရွားရင္းအဆင္ေျပခဲ့တယ္။ အခု ေဒါင္းလုဒ္ထားတဲ့ ISO
Image file မွန္သမွ် ေအာက္ပါနည္းအတိုင္းလုပ္ေဆာင္သြားလွ်င္ အဆင္ေျပသြားမွာပါ။

ဒါေပမယ့္ ဘာသာမျပန္ေတာ့ပဲ မူရင္းအတိုင္းတင္ထားလိုက္တယ္။ အဂၤလိပ္စာမဖတ္တတ္သည့္တိုင္ ပံုကိုၾကည့္ျပီးအလြယ္

Nero StartSmart: Burn Image to Disc

Start Nero StartSmart and hover the mouse over the icon that looks like two CDs and a safe (Copy and Backup). Next, move the mouse to the scroll bar (or slider) in the left corner of the Nero StartSmart window, and drag the slider to the right. Click on "Burn Image to Disc" in the right part of the window.

Nero StartSmart: Burn Image to Disc.

Nero Express should be started via the StartSmart project launcher, and open a file browser so you can select the DVD ISO image you want to burn. The next steps are explained below.

Nero Express: What would you like to burn?

If you prefer not to use the Nero StartSmart project launcher, start Nero Express for example via the start menu. Since I got Nero express with the BenQ DW1650 I installed in my Compaq Pressario, Nero Express on my computer is located in the "Nero OEM" sub group of "Nero" in the "All Programs" menu of the Start menu and so might your version of Nero Express.

Nero Express 6: What would you like to burn?

Select "Disc Image or Saved Project" from the menu displayed under the text "What would you like to burn?". An "Open" dialogue window (file browser) should appear on top of the Nero Express window.

Nero Express file browser, DVD ISO image selected.

Browse to the right folder, select the DVD ISO image (or CD ISO image), and click the Open button. The Image recording dialogue window should now appear.

Nero Express: write a premastered image.

I prefer to enable the "Verify data on disc after burning" option. It takes some extra time, but better safe then sorry, especially if you decide to delete the downloaded DVD ISO image after burning.

Nero Express: verifying the compilation.

Clicking on the Next button should start the DVD burning process. If you forgot to insert a recordable DVD the program will ask you to place on into the DVD burner.


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